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JAN 2024 I Tips

Warning signs of liver problems

Reading time: 5 min
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Picture an organ so vital to your existence that it can regenerate almost entirely within a mere two months.

It's likely that you seldom spare a thought for it, yet this organ tirelessly operates around the clock, ensuring your body functions properly.

I am referring, of course, to the liver – the second-largest organ in the body, playing a crucial role in maintaining equilibrium and order.

The liver is remarkably resilient, but there are limits to its endurance.

Substandard diet, overuse of medications and alcohol, stress, and inadequate leisure...

Chances are, at least one of these strikes a chord with you, doesn't it?

However, what's unfolding beneath the surface is causing devastating damage. This cumulative impact leads to a condition affecting one in four adults, as well as children and teenagers.

In the following sections, I will outline symptoms that may indicate liver problems, and discuss ways to restore and maintain your liver's health for the long haul. TABLE OF CONTENTS:


In simple terms, liver steatosis means your liver has become fatty (when fat makes up more than 5% of the liver's weight).

To paint a clearer picture, let's begin with the fundamentals...

What are the primary causes of liver issues?

The answer primarily lies in your dietary choices.

Excessive consumption of unhealthy fats and carbohydrates can swiftly lead to liver complications. Your liver struggles to metabolise such large quantities, resulting in an accumulation of excess fat – a condition known as fatty liver or steatosis.

A healthy and robust liver can handle occasional indulgences in such foods, efficiently eliminating the fat from your body.

However, continuous stress on your liver leads to fat accumulation, eventually necessitating attention to the issue.

Do you appreciate the severity of this situation?

Liver steatosis

Be forewarned: unmanaged dietary fats can escalate to liver cancer.

If there's even a slight suspicion of steatosis, I strongly advise consulting your doctor immediately.

Chronic steatosis evolves into hepatitis, or inflammation of the liver.

At this juncture, timely detection is key for effective treatment.

However, as the condition progresses, the likelihood of successful treatment diminishes significantly.

The next phase involves liver fibrosis or scarring.

Here, the real damage begins. The tissue crucial for metabolism and detoxification gets replaced by scar tissue, which is incapable of these functions.

When most of the functional tissue is supplanted by scar tissue, the condition is known as cirrhosis.

Think of how the leaves of a neglected plant wilt; a similar fate befalls the liver.

Trust me, this isn't a situation you want to find yourself in.

Hence, it's crucial to learn to identify the early warning signs of liver trouble.


I can say with certainty that silent symptoms are the biggest danger in liver disease.

A stabbing pain in the liver A stabbing pain in the liver (right below the ribs) is already a very serious sign of fatty liver. You may also feel pain in your right shoulder and even on the right side of your neck. It becomes even more obvious after a large meal, as the stomach puts pressure on the enlarged liver.

Even if you don't have liver pain, I suggest you pay attention to the following warnings that indicate liver problems:


These are the two most common and least understood signs of liver problems.

Broadly speaking, they can be interpreted as follows: when your liver is stressed and plagued by inflammation, your body will use energy in a slightly different way. It will focus all its efforts on healing the liver, just like fighting any infection. This process takes a lot of energy and usually results in general fatigue.


Despite its somewhat science-fictional name, xanthelasma refers to yellow deposits around the eyes, a symptom of elevated cholesterol levels.

The process behind this is straightforward: your liver manufactures bile, which accumulates in your gallbladder and is released during digestion.

Bile is essential for breaking down fats and cholesterol. However, a liver in poor health fails to produce adequate bile, leading to cholesterol build-up in less than desirable locations – such as around the eyes in this instance.


This is definitely one of the biggest indicators of liver problems.

You see it as a yellowish discolouration of the skin and the whites of the cheeks.

But you probably don't know that it's caused by red blood cells?

The liver is responsible for bilirubin, which is produced when red blood cells are broken down. It is converted into bile, which is then excreted in the faeces. If the process is unsuccessful, bilirubin begins to spread throughout the body, giving the tissues a yellowish colour.


If your liver is fatty, there's a good chance that diarrhoea accompanies your daily life. Because the liver does not produce enough bile, you may also notice fat in the stool and white stools caused by the excretion of bilirubin – which gives the stool its brown colour.


This includes food intolerances as well as other allergies (e.g. to pollen and dust mites). If they appear suddenly, they may indicate liver problems.

It is caused by a weakened liver. The weaker the liver, the more toxins will accumulate in the body. Your immune system will become extra sensitive and overreact to things.


The liver plays an important role in more than 500 processes in the body.

That's why it's important and right that you come to their rescue from time to time.

The best results are undoubtedly achieved by making a sustained lifestyle change.

The first and most important thing you can do for your health is to improve your diet immediately:

Home remedies for liver detox
  • Cut down on fast or processed foods and add more fresh fruit, vegetables, lean meats and fish to your daily diet.
  • Avoid fried foods as during frying the starch (potatoes and bread crumbs) produce acrylamide, a substance which, according to the World Health Organisation, causes cancer.
  • Eat less food containing bad carbohydrates and fat.
  • Look for foods containing sulphur, as this supports the production of the body's most powerful antioxidant – glutathione – which protects the liver from oxidative stress. Eggs, broccoli, nuts and ginger are great examples of such foods.
  • The key is to limit your alcohol consumption or give it up completely.

As recreation is so important for your health, I suggest you set aside at least half an hour a day for exercise.

You can achieve great results just by going for a walk in the fresh air. Your body will be happy to get extra vitamin D, a deficiency of which is linked to a faster progression of liver steatosis.


Home-made is always better.

You can do a lot of good just by preparing food with spices that support liver function. So add more rosemary, oregano, oregano, pimento or turmeric to your meals.


You can also do the following at home for a quick liver detox. I found one that has its roots in ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine.

Fast liver detox with olive oil

I suggest you do the detox when you have no other commitments. It acts as a laxative, so it prepares you for slightly more frequent visits to the toilet. For it, you need:

  • 50g of magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt),
  • 800ml lukewarm water,
  • 150ml lemon juice or grapefruit juice,
  • 150ml olive oil,
  • A glass jar with a lid.

And you start the process like this:

On the first day, eat only fruit or low-fat cooked vegetables until 2 pm. Fats and simple carbohydrates are prohibited. Fast until 6 pm, then dissolve the salt in lukewarm water and:

  • At 6 pm, drink 200ml of the solution.
  • At 8 pm, drink 200ml of the solution again.
  • At 10 pm drink the grapefruit or a mixture of lemon juice and oil.

Shake the mixture well in a sealed jar before consuming. Go to bed immediately afterwards, and the next morning continue like this:

  • At 6 am, start with 200ml of the solution.
  • At 8 am, drink 200ml of the solution.
  • At 10 amyou can have a juice, lateryoucan have some fruit. Wait until at least the afternoon to have a cooked meal.

Finally, I would like to share with you some superfoods that you should eat regularly, as they are considered the most effective for liver regeneration.

These are:

  • Artichokes are rich in two extremely powerful antioxidants that promote optimal liver function (cynarin and silymarin).
  • Turmeric protects your liver from toxins, it helps your liver regenerate and reduces damaging age-related inflammation.
  • Milk thistle contains silymarin, one of the powerful antioxidants that has a beneficial effect on liver health.
  • Dandelion is scientifically proven to protect the liver from toxins, prevent fatty liver and help remove toxins from the body.

I believe that everyone should be helped, so I decided to find a way to put a complex of all four foods on the menu to help as many people as possible.

I'm proud to tell you that, together with a team of experts, we've managed to come up with a solution.

Presenting Golden Tree Liver Complex.

It is a combination of all four of the above ingredients in the form of a food supplement, with the addition of:

  • L-arginine
  • L-choline
  • Alpha lipoic acid
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin D3 and
  • Black pepper extract.

Which further enhance the effect of the formula and ensure the best possible absorption of the key ingredients.

Golden Tree Liver Complex is considered to be a very special solution, both in its composition and in its effectiveness. Golden Tree Liver Complex

That's why we're prepared to take on the entire risk, because we're prepared to refund your full purchase price if the impact of this unique solution doesn't meet your expectations.

You can't say fairer than that!

So hurry and click on the link below and get your Golden Tree Liver Complex to get your liver in top shape and overcome the annoying accumulation of fatty deposits and many other issues.

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