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Dr Slobodan Vujasinovic

Specialist in Skin Diseases

Dr Slobodan Vujasinovic graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in Zagreb, Croatia in 1980 and completed his specialist examination in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1982. He specialised in dermatovenerology at the Clinic for Skin and Sexual Diseases in Zagreb.

Dr Vujasinovic has received professional training in Vienna, Paris, Australia, Canada, the USA, Brazil and the Netherlands (psychodermatology), as well as other locations worldwide.

He is the author of numerous professional articles, a co-author of several professional books, and a former lecturer in various subjects at the Celje Secondary Medical School, Slovenia.

Dr Vujasinovic is a member of several professional organisations, including the Slovenian Association of Dermatologists, the Slovenian Medical Association, the Slovenian Association of Sports Medicine Physicians, and the International Society for Dermatosurgery (ISDS), based in the USA. For 20 years, he has served as a medical examiner for dermatology in Slovenia.

He is particularly interested in the psychosomatic approach to treating skin and other diseases. Since 1985, he has been actively involved in psychosomatic dermatology and dermatosurgery. In 2016, he graduated in psychotherapy (logotherapy after Dr Viktor Frankl) and has been a regular lecturer at dermatological and logotherapy congresses in Slovenia in recent years.

Slobodan Vujasinovic

More about Dr Slobodan Vujasinovic and his work:

Website: http://www.dermatolog-celje.si/

Facebook: Dermatology Clinic Slobodan Vujasinovic

Our dermatovenerology expert recommends the following product: FunguLux.

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